Monday, 30 November 2015
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Unit 1 - Time Management/Materials
Time Management/Materials/Job roles:
Time management:
Time management is an important factor in any production. In film making it's even more important as you need to manage your time effectively whenever you are doing a production. By having good time management you will be able to complete your tasks in the given time and you will increase productivity and efficiency. It also allows you to follow a structure. You can structure what you have to do in specific time periods and this can help you get things done quicker.
An example of a film that had great time management would be fast and furious 6. This film took around 2 years to film as they didn't begin filming it straight after number 5. I believe they intentionally made the viewers wait 2 years so that they could build up anticipation and give the viewers something to look forward to. This grabs the audiences attention straight away as they are constantly thinking about the release of the film and waiting for it to come. Therefore we have to ensure that our production follows the time management because we want to ensure that we meet the expectations of our audience in terms of when they want to see our production.
There are a number of different types of materials that can be used. The first type of material would be self made materials. Self made materials are materials which you physically produce by hand. These are materials which you entirely create by yourself and are usually done with a lack of assistance.
The second type of materials would be achieve materials. Achieve materials are when you buy something or you are currently working on something, you finish it to a good standard.
The third type of materials would be library materials, these are materials in which you borrow and they aren't things which you are allowed to keep.
The final type of materials would be props. These are objects that you use during a production. For example in our production.
Time management is an important factor in any production. In film making it's even more important as you need to manage your time effectively whenever you are doing a production. By having good time management you will be able to complete your tasks in the given time and you will increase productivity and efficiency. It also allows you to follow a structure. You can structure what you have to do in specific time periods and this can help you get things done quicker.
An example of a film that had great time management would be fast and furious 6. This film took around 2 years to film as they didn't begin filming it straight after number 5. I believe they intentionally made the viewers wait 2 years so that they could build up anticipation and give the viewers something to look forward to. This grabs the audiences attention straight away as they are constantly thinking about the release of the film and waiting for it to come. Therefore we have to ensure that our production follows the time management because we want to ensure that we meet the expectations of our audience in terms of when they want to see our production.
There are a number of different types of materials that can be used. The first type of material would be self made materials. Self made materials are materials which you physically produce by hand. These are materials which you entirely create by yourself and are usually done with a lack of assistance.
The second type of materials would be achieve materials. Achieve materials are when you buy something or you are currently working on something, you finish it to a good standard.
The third type of materials would be library materials, these are materials in which you borrow and they aren't things which you are allowed to keep.
The final type of materials would be props. These are objects that you use during a production. For example in our production.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Unit 1 - Location Recce

An example of a film which has also filmed scenes in an estate would be 'Attack the block'. Thee are many scenes which are filmed in around an estate. This is a good location for us to use because we have gang members in our film which makes this location ideal because it is a spot which you will gang members chilling or doing some sort of activity.

An example of a film with a car park scene would be the Transporter franchise. This franchise has a car park scene at the beginning of each film. It's a great location to use because it gives you a sense of tension due to the fact you aren't expecting anything to happen in such a hidden location. However we will use this location as it will be a good place to shoot another scene in which involves the gang.

We have chosen these locations because they suit the theme of our short film. Our film involves some scenes in which there are some happy scenes and also some not so happy scenes. We picked a car park because it tends to be a quiet area which would be ideal for a scene in which we would do a chase. We chose a park because it's a nice place to read a newspaper which will be ideal for one of our scenes. We also picked a pier by Vauxhall Bridge because it is a location where when it is dark it is quite quiet which is ideal for a shooting. So it will help us with our finishing scene.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
Unit 1 - A1 - Materials
Time management will be crucial when filming and editing a film because time is valuable. It helps to reduce the stress of having to try complete everything last minute. Time management will help to set the teams priorities and to figure out what needs to be done and when by.
List for what is needed to create my own short film
· Tracksuits
· Brick phones
· Fake gun
· Knives
· Bags
· Bikes
· Big jackets
· Camera
· Computer
· Tripod
· Phone
Budget list
· Professional camera eos 7d - £37.80 or sony hxr-mc200e -£48.60
· Brick phones - £5.00
· Pouch Bag- £18.00
· Bikes- £2
· Big jackets -£24.00
· Tripod - £55
· Track suit - £40
· Computer -£8.49
An archive is a place where historical records or the physical place they are located. Archives contain primary source documents that have collected over the course of an individual or organisation's lifetime and it is kept to show the function of that person or organisation. The primary role of the archive is to capture published content and documents created by the Corporation to create a permanent record of its activities.
The bbc keep Material showing performances or productions of excellence or significance in the performing arts. Examples of work in performance, direction, production, writing and composing with special emphasis on works commissioned or sponsored by the BBC.
Material featuring places of geographical interest, especially related to changes in the environment and the development of natural history etc. -
Monday, 16 November 2015
Unit 1 - A1- Legal Issues and Regulation
There are 3 main institutions in the film industry. These institutions are the following, ASA,BBFC,OFCOM. These are all independent bodies which control the different aspects of media. They control mainly in Tv series,Films,Music. The sections that they divide and grade the media with is listed below.
- U (Universal)
- PG (Parental guidance)
- 12A
- 15
- 18
There are plenty of things that you have to consider when choosing how to grade a film. There are 3 main things that you have to consider. The first thing you have to consider when grading these films is the bad language if any and the amount of bad language that is used. This is one of the main things considered because if young viewers were to watch films with bad language, it may influence them to begin saying the bad language which doesn't go down well with parents and it can lead to bad reviews.
The second main thing you have to consider when grading a film is the sex&nudity that it may contain. This is a huge factor in the final decision. A lot films can have inappropriate scenes that young viewers and young teenagers shouldn't be watching. This can cause a problem. Parents won't be impressed by the content that is being shown if there isn't an age restriction.
The final thing you must consider when grading a film is the amount of violence it contains if any. Violence in films can lead too many things. If young viewers are watching these violent films, it will give them a huge influence of what they want to be. This can lead to mischief. Parents will not want their children growing up and doing what they have seen in these films. Therefore the amount of violence a film contains is a huge factor.
They don't make these decisions on their own. They tend to go out to the public and get feedback and their opinions and then finally make a decision.
ASA (Advertising Standards Authority):
The ASA has had a big contribution to the film industry. They have banned many adverts due to a number of reasons. This reasons are things such as them not being inappropriate or socially acceptable because they may contain bad behaviour which shouldn't be encouraged. The ASA's main objective is to assess adverts and ban them depending on whether they think the adverts are applicable for children to view.
BBFC ( British Board Of Film Classification):
The BBFC have a big role to play in the final release of a film. They are the people who focus on the new releases and they grade them on what age a particular film can be viewed at. They tend to go out to the public and find out what they think should be the grade of a film. They use the PEGI website which adults can go on and ask questions about the age rating.
OFCOM ( The Office Of Communications ):
OFCOM is a mixture a ASA&BBFC. OFCOM they specialize in banning adverts and grading what a film should be viewed at. They also specialize in grading communications and radio. They do this by analyzing if there is any bad language or if there is any content which shouldn't be viewed.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Unit 1 - A1- Funding
There are many different ways in which you can fund a film. There are many different sources which can all contribute to the funding of a film. The 5 main sources of funding are listed below.
- Crowd sourcing
- Personal investment
- Advertising
- License Fee
- Product placement
Crowd sourcing: This is a source which is funded by the audience. This means that the audience contribute to the making of the film. Crowd sourcing has no limit on how much the audience wants to contribute towards producing a film. Examples of crowd sourcing would be websites such as Kick starter, Facebook, Twitter. Social websites like facebook&twitter tend to advertise crowd sourcing whereas websites such as kick starter you can directly make a contribution. Advantages of crowd sourcing is that the people that give the contribution get a great deal of personal satisfaction. They will as if they have a big part to play in the production depending on how much they give. A disadvantage of crowd sourcing is that there is poor management. It is difficult to communicate with crowd members as there are many contributions to go through.
Personal investment: This is a source in which you fund the film yourself. An investment would mean that you put money on the line for this film in hope that you receive more afterwards. Examples of films that have been produced from personal investments would be Paranormal Activity, Grease, The devil inside. There are many benefits to a personal investment. One of the advantages of a personal investment is that the investor will be the executive producer which means that you can be the star of the show. It also means that you get to call the shots during the film. One disadvantage of a personal investment is that there is potential chance of losing a lot of money. If the film isn't successful, the investment goes to waste.
Advertising: This is a source in which you use television to fund your film. This is done by asking channels if they would promote their film in between adverts. Examples of advertising would be Film 4, Itv, Itv 2. An advantage for these institutions would be that they receive a tun of money to show these adverts. A disadvantage of advertising would be that it just adds to costs which are already extremely high.
License Fee: This is a source in which you pay money to certain institutions so that they can produce for you. An example of an institution would be the BBC. They get given money by the audience. They then use this money to produce new channels. An advantage of license fee is that it allows institutions such as BBC to create new channels which keep the audience intrigued and excited. Another advantage of license fee is that revenue is generated. A disadvantage of license fee is that it creates unnecessary competition. Along with competition comes stress.
Product Placement:
Product Placement:
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Pitch Evaluation
In the pitch of our short film I
talked about four slides out of the twelve that we produced. The four slides
that I done I will list below. These four slides were decided through negotiation
with my group members.
- Genre
- Social Groups
- Location
- Marketing and advertisement
Personally I believe that I didn't
present it as well as I could off. There are things in my performance in which
I think there is room for improvement. Also I believe that there was some
information in my performance which wasn’t included.
Firstly I discussed the genre of
the short film. I believe that I didn’t explain these genres too well and I didn’t
give clear enough reasons to why we picked these certain genres. My group and I
decided to do a sub-genre which consisted of violence and thriller. I think
that in order for me to improve how I explained this slide I should be able to
explain why we’ve chosen these genres and also why we decided to a sub-genre
and why we didn’t do just one genre.
Secondly I discussed the social
groups of this short film. I believe
that I delivered this slide decently but there is still room for improvement.
In this slide I talked about the target audience which we aimed this short film
at. I believe I could off explained why we chose these groups. Also in this
slide I said that there will be some uses and gratifications included. I said
that the short film would offer escapism and personal identification. I believe
that I could off explained why we chose escapism and what escapism offers to
the audience. I believe that I should off explained why I targeted these
certain ethnicity and what other ethnicity this short film could apply too.
I believe that I could off given distinction between who our primary audience
is and who our secondary audience is.
Thirdly I discussed the locations
which we were going to use for this short film. I personally believe that I didn’t
perform this slide very well. I believed that I didn’t explain clearly enough
why we chose these locations. I believe that in order for me to improve this
scene I would need to make it clear to the audience why I picked these
locations and what’s special about them or whether they have a background. I
believe that if I describe these things I would be able to improve this section
of my performance.
The final slide which I presented
for my group was the marketing and advertisement for the film. I believe that I
did this slide quite well. In this slide I showed the audience examples of the
kind of ways we tend to advertise our film. I believe I explained well why
social networking sites would be beneficial to our short film. However I believe
I could off given more examples off where we would deploy our posters for the
film. Also I believe that I could off
talked about why we picked these certain social networks.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Unit 1 - Type of Production
Type of Production
The brief states that I must create a short 2-4 film with a specific genre being represented through the film. I individually wanted to a Drama/Action film. I wanted to do a sub-genre as i felt conveying one genre wouldn't be enough. I also would like to convey this genre because i feel as if it gives the audience more than one thing to focus on. If the audience have more then one thing to focus on, they will stay engaged.
My personal idea was about a man who by day is a successful business man but by night is a city hero. This man saves kids from being attacked in a skate park. I believe this film had an element of action in it and i believed that the drama would naturally occur. The brief stated that this would have to be a Single Camera Production. I believe there are many advantages to single camera productions but there are also quite a few disadvantages.
One of the advantages of a single camera production is that the scenes don't have to be shot in order. This would mean that i could spend a specific day just filming the scenes in a location. This would not be possible in a multi camera production as there are too many cameras too handle.
One disadvantage of a single camera production is that the editing process is much longer. Due to there only being one camera, there will be loads of footage on just that camera. It will take a while for editors to produce final pieces. Also with a single camera production we would have to stop and set up again to cover different angles and shot types. This is extremely time consuming. In a multi camera production there will be more then one camera which means they will already have the angles covered with the other cameras.
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